Official Launch October 4, 2024!!!
Sept. 12, 2024

The Story Behind Our Podcast Name: In Behalf of Animals

From Patrick Battuello: 

Several years back, while writing the animal-rights blog for the Albany Times Union, I decided to create a sister site and was looking for a name. I had always liked the phrase "on behalf of," but was also familiar with the similar construction "in behalf of." So, because words have always fascinated me, I did a deeper dive. Turns out, though very subtle, there is a distinction between the two.

"On behalf" denotes as the agent of or in place of. Think of a parent signing for his or her child, or an attorney representing a client in court. "In behalf," on the other hand, means in the interest offor the benefit ofas a defender of. This, of course, resonated with me, for what are we activists doing if not defending animals. Hence, "In Behalf of Animals."

- Patrick

A Note From Nicole:

A few years after Patrick started the Animal Rights blog at the TU, I became a regular contributor as well. And knowing the In Behalf of Animals site was so meaningful to Patrick and his work, I thought this would make a perfect name for this podcast! It also brings our activism full circle! 

The name In Behalf of Animals is not just a title - it's a reflection of our purpose and commitment. Like Patrick explained, it speaks to our role as defenders of animals, advocating for their well-being and rights.

This podcast will be your resource and inspiration to become an effective advocate for those who cannot fight for themselves. 

We can't wait for you to join us October 4, 2024!